France Cassistat

My Profile

France Cassistat I have been offering the Bonapace Childbirth Program since 2011, being a level II certified trainer since 2013 and a level I certified trainer since 2011. I am a sex therapist and psychotherapist, working with individuals and couples since 2006. In fact, more than half my clientele consults me in couple’s therapy. I specialize, among other things, in perinatology and vulvovaginal pain and disorders. I’m co-owner of the Clinique Inter-Santé Rive-Sud, a multidisciplinary team and I was part of a team specializing in perinatology at the Clinique Pelvi-Santé for 8 years.

By acquiring experience with couples and pain, I saw the relevance of the Bonapace Childbirth Program which offers couples good preparation for pregnancy and childbirth in order to begin the transition to parenthood and family, a difficult stage that is often the source of crisis. Childbirth is an intense and memorable event that is worth preparing for in order to experience it fully and more positively.